Weekly Playlist :: 05-17-2021
I've noticed something curious as I go about creating these playlists: Each playlist ends up being around 4 hours long. In case you thought this was by design, it isn't. I literally seem to have about 4 hours worth of music tumbling around in my brain every week. Go figure.

I've noticed something curious as I go about creating these playlists: Each playlist ends up being around 4 hours long. In case you thought this was by design, it isn't. I literally seem to have about 4 hours worth of music tumbling around in my brain every week. Go figure. That in mind, I'm considering doing some data-science-y type stuff with my listening habits, now that I've come across this. Maybe I'll add that here. Might make for a fun coding project. Anyways, here's this week's playlist; make sure you check back in throughout the remainder of the week to hear new tracks being added!