About MLiM

Hi! I'm Ryan. I live in the Toronto suburbs. I'm a cybersecurity engineer, software developer, retro gamer, and more relevant to this blog, a music nerd. Most people who know me well enough would tell you I have a relatively eclectic taste in music; Electronic/EDM, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Metal, Punk Rock, Post-Punk/Goth, I listen to pretty much everything. And I love TALKING about music almost as much as I love listening to it.
"My Life in Music" started as an experiment of sorts. See, I'm both a music nerd, and also neurodivergent. The product of that seems to be that EVERYTHING I do, see, hear, etc. reminds me of a song, without fail. I tend to then get these songs stuck in my head, so I figured, what better way to exorcise them than to share them as playlists?
Herein then, you will find playlists which span one week of my life each, from Monday morning to Friday evening. I have what most people would probably consider an exceedingly eclectic taste in music, and the playlists will, for the most part, reflect this. Expect to see barn-burner techno bangers showing up in the same place as Elvis Costello, or Nick Cave showing up on the same playlist as Travis Scott, Devo, The Tragically Hip, and Macross 82-99. It gets pretty random, but maybe you'll discover something new and awesome in all the tangled mess of genres crossing over one another like a spider web designed by M.C. Escher.
Amidst all that, you'll also find news and reviews about new music which I've personally discovered. Music which I feel is worth a listen. No negative reviews here, just great music.
TL;DR: My Life in Music is a blog wherein you can (hopefully) discover new music, or older music that maybe you missed out on from years gone by. Above all, it's a place where I can exorcise the random songs which get stuck in my head at any given time.
Hope you enjoy the sounds in my head as much as I do. :)