Weekly Playlist :: 06-07-2021

It's that time again folks! Playlist day!! This week, there's a fair bit of jazz or jazz-adjacent stuff on here. BADBADNOTGOOD, Thundercat, Steely Dan, and St. Germain all feature on this playlist. There are a few repeat artists/songs from last week's (as well as other) playlists as well. This is becoming a bit of a trend, not one I ever intended however.

But also, more Tragically Hip. I've had The Hip on my mind for a few days now, for a couple of reasons: First because The Hip were in the news this week for receiving a humanitarian award at the Junos. Not only did they receive an award though, they actually got on stage with Leslie Feist and covered "It's a Good Life If You Don't Weaken'" From their album "In Violet Light". It's a spectacular cover and I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I didn't get a little choked up listening to it. In fact, I'd totally be down with a Hip/Feist tour once concerts come back.

Foremost however, Gord and The Hip have been on my mind because of the current situation in Canada surrounding our ugly, embarrassing past. I keep thinking, "Gord Downie would be so disappointed in us right now". Gord (and everyone else in the band) fought so hard for First Nations rights, and it feels like we're failing First Nations people so much right now. We miss you Gord. Years later, we still miss you, and I hope that one day, we can do right by you.

As always, remember to check back on the playlist throughout the rest of the week between now and Sunday evening for more tunes; and hey, why not check out past playlists while you're at it, or hell, just follow me on Spotify!