An Update Regarding Spotify Playlists

My Life in Music all started because of an experiment: I wanted to catalogue all the random songs that pop into my head at any given moment. Originally, I decided I would do this on a week-to-week basis; starting new playlists each week, and posting those playlists here. This kinda became a bit of a hassle, and aside from that, I just kinda fell out of love with that model (for a number of reasons I kinda don't feel like delving too far into at the moment); hence why I haven't posted a new playlist in a few weeks now.

So what happens next? To be honest, the concept is a work-in-progress. But I've settled on something I'm happy with, at least in the short term. Going forward, the weekly playlists will still exist, but I won't be publishing them to the site. If you REALLY want them, you can follow me on Spotify. However, what WILL be on the site going forward, is a static page called "Playlist" which will replace the "Weekly Playlists" category. On this page you will find an embedded MASTER Spotify playlist which will update weekly. The new songs on the playlist will come from the Weekly Playlists, giving you the option to either listen to the weekly playlist, or just throw the whole damn history of songs I've catalogued so far on shuffle.

Doing things this way will allow me to focus more on what I'm considering to be the next logical step for My Life in Music: Album Reviews. I'm certain at least a few of you out there have seen or read at least one of the reviews I've posted thus far. Expect there to be much more of that as time goes on.